Monday, December 10, 2012

[News] 2PM Jun.K, enters Kyunghee University’s graduate program ‘Rejects special test, enters with general test’

2PM’s Jun.K entered Kyunghee University’s Media Arts graduate program.

Starting in the 2013 school year, 2PM’s Jun.K is set to expand his studies with Kyunghee University’s Media Arts graduate program, specializing in Cultural Content and Public Arts.

A representative from 2PM’s representative company, JYP Entertainment said on Dec 10, “Jun.K is entering graduate school. Since before, Jun.K has wanted to expand his learning in composing, writing, and public arts. After entering graduate school, he will be doing 2PM activities and schoolwork side by side.

Jun.K didn’t take the special entrance exam, but took the general entrance exam - he entered the graduate school with the same conditions and procedures as other students. Meanwhile, while Jun.K was doing activities as 2PM, he entered Dongah Institute of Media and Arts in 2009, majoring in Broadcast Entertainment, and received a scholarship while at school; further showing his perfect image.

Reporter Jung Jiwon
Credit Newsen
Translated by khy127 @ W2D


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