Monday, December 10, 2012

[News] 9,000 Fans Come to See 2PM in Concert in Indonesia

2PM has wrapped up another successful concert, this time in Jakarta, Indonesia.

As part of its ongoing Asia tour concert, What Time is It?, 2PM took to the stage at the Mata Elang International Stadium in Jakarta on December 8 as some 9,000 fans roared their excitement.

The passion level from the fans was evident throughout the concert as the fans all sang along to each and every 2PM song. In between, 2PM also surprised the Indonesian crowd by singing a number of famous Indonesian songs as well.

Indonesia’s Trans TV is even planning to air a 2PM special on December 25, which will show footage of the 2PM members in Indonesia and performing n concert.

As for 2PM, the group will head next to perform in Taiwan on December 15 and in Macao on December 22.

Source: JYPE


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