Tuesday, May 21, 2013

[News] Shinhwa Says It′s Happy to Promote with Lee Hyori and 2PM

The K-Pop scene these days is thriving more than any other time these days. A singer over 60 has taken over the charts with his music, appealing to every group of listeners from teenagers to the older generation, while yet more top singers have been spilling out with new songs and comebacks.

Shinhwa, Korea's longest running idol group, has been taking up its own share in this bubbling May war. The group will be returning with its 11th album The Classic on May 16, but it says it's not aiming to win.

The members shared that they're just happy to be a part of what's going on.

Lee Min Woo said about Lee Hyori, "I thought it was awesome how Lee Hyori recently marked an all-kill on the charts with her preview track Miss Korea. I want to applaud her. It takes a lot of work for a female singer in her mid-30s to still look so attractive. I was surprised, and I was amazed at her music video. She's still there."

He added, "Shinhwa also became more confident after seeing Lee Hyori. We receive strength when we see singers that debuted with us be active. We're not aiming to compete; we want to support them, applaud them and continue to work with them."

Shin Hye Sung also said, "2PM is also going to be making a comeback. I happened to meet 2PM eating at a restaurant a while ago. They're younger, but I'm happy they'll be promoting with us."

He then said, "These days we're often asked whether we're confident to be going up against so-and-so, but we're just happy we'll be promoting with everyone. We'll be with Lee Hyori, who debuted with us, and 2PM, whom we like as juniors. Rather than compete, we just want to concentrate on showing our fans a wider variety of performances."

"K-Pop has been booming these days because so many great teams have been making comebacks," said Lee Min Woo. "I believe Cho Yong Pil sunbaenim (senior) played a big part in this. Being old doesn't always mean you'll be forgotten; I believe singers should sing music that becomes more valuable because it's old. Cho Yong Pil sunbaenim showed what that is, and Shinhwa will work hard to follow in his footsteps with this album."

This Love, Shinhwa's promotional single from its 11th album The Classic, was written by the composer of Venus from the group's previous album. It will be showcasing a 'voguing dance' in its performances.

Source: enewsworld


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