Wednesday, June 25, 2014

[News] 2PM Chansung and Fei stun as a sizzling couple for 'Singles'

With all the romances being brought to light this year, 2PM's Chansung and miss A's Fei gave fans a glimpse at what it'd be like if they were a couple with a stunning pictorial for 'Singles'!

The pictorial was a treat for both fan boys and girls who got to see a shirtless Chansung and Fei's sexy legs. The labelmates were also ablaze with chemistry as they locked eyes with an intense gaze into each other's eyes.

A 'Singles' rep stated, "Chansung and Fei portrayed a sad couple whose fired up passion eventually starts to die down."

Check out more of their pictorial in 'Singles' July issue!

Source: allkpop


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