Monday, January 2, 2012

[Entertainment] Message from 2PM Fan Cafe

Everyone! I wish that only good things happened to you during the new year~^^
We will prepare new things and good new performances for you to enjoy 2PM again!
Happy New Year~^^

I wish that in 2012 you can fulfill everything you want ^-^ Together with 2PM!!

Hottest <3
Happy New Year!!
In 2012 we will work towards showing even better performance!
Everyone, I love you~ <3

To my lovely Hottest!
You've done so much for us during 2011~
I feel bad for not being able to stay in Korea much and I know you miss us. Thank you for your unchanging love, concerns and support towards us~ In 2012, I hope you achieve everything you wanted to but couldn't in 2011. Always stay healthy. Show us love this year too?
I wuv you

To Hottest!
Year of the dragon, 2012!
Let's make it a year of Taecyeon, and a year of 2PM! Everyone fighting! 
Aja aja fighting!

So that our year 2012 would be filled with happiness and good luck <3

Credit: Translated by Egle,Rangkat @2pmalways


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