Saturday, September 1, 2012

[Twitter] 2PM Chansung's A-team

A-Team With CS starts September 21st ^^ Everyone please show your love~^^ heeheehee 

@2PMagreement211 I hope it's daebak~hohoho

@taeccool Of course~^^ heuheehee

Huhuh I feel like working out after reading Chansung's tweet huhuh 
I still got a while till my broken arm gets fully healed so I guess working out will be from next year?hehe I never liked going on diet but I kinda miss it ke

@2PMagreement211 : 
@taeccool keke you're bound to feel like that when you can't train ke 
but it's a good thing you're recovering this fast ke^^

Credit: Kor-Eng: Haeda,Egle @2pmalways


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