Monday, November 19, 2012

[Entertainment][ENG] 2PM Imaginary Ranking @ Hottest Japan Magazine ~ Sasuga Hottests Vol. 3

Note: This ‘imaginary’ ranking has been taken from the results from fans in a research carried out by 2PM’s Japan official website. The comments below each ranking are purely the opinions of Japanese fans~ remember, it’s just for fun!

2PM Imaginary Ranking Released!
“If a 2PM member was _____…”
Publishing the results from an emergency questionnaire carried out by Hottest Japan homepage!

Q: The member you want to marry?
1st – Nichkhun
[In short, it’s because he looks very gentle], [He would also help out with the housework, Nichkhun would let us live together, forever deeply in love], [I want to play in the park with a family of three – the children, Nichkhun and myself]

2nd – Taecyeon
[Because he seems like he’ll be a really optimistic and great daddy ^^ It’ll definitely be a very happy family!], [It’s as if he can overcome any difficulty he faces and protects his family well. After finishing work, it looks as if he’ll return home early. (Laughs)]

3rd – Junho
[He’s very manly, enjoys doing voluntary activities etc. Sharing the sense of happiness with each other!], [Very stable (dependable). I would like to see that smiling face every morning!!!]

Q: The member you would like as your boyfriend?
1st - Junho
[I like that kind of playful feeling?], [Isn’t it wonderful to have a date at a cat café? (Laughs)], [I can see his cute smiling face all the time, I’d feel very content just with that ?]

2nd - Taecyeon
[Intelligent, handsome, good body, that would be the ultimate boyfriend right?], [When it comes to fashion, I would like to go shopping together and help him change (his style)]

3rd - Jun. K
[Seems like he really likes creating surprise events], [I will cry if he sang a self-composed song to me], [I want to listen to that voice singing songs everyday?], [I want to watch Jun. K composing songs beside him (laughs)]

Q: The member you would want to become friends with?
1st - Jun. K
[I think I’ll be able to tell him all my troubles and let him give me some advice. If I was depressed it seems like he’ll be able to make me laugh!], [From watching variety shows, Jun. K is the funniest, if we were friends then it’ll be very enjoyable]

2nd - Taecyeon
[Even if it was a sudden invitation, he’d be shouting “I’ll go! I’ll go!” and accompany me], [His low voice and naive smile], [Because he’d be able to liven up the scene quickly], [I want him to draw Okcat]

3rd - Wooyoung
[Because I can’t forget the happy karaoke scene within <Dream High>!], [He’s everyone’s vitamin!], [He’s always cheerful, and is able to make everyone lively and energetic!]

Q: The member you want to be your older brother?
1st - Nichkhun
[I want to call him oppa. He’s gentle too], [I can boast to friends that I have a good-looking brother \ (^ o ^) /], [It has to be Nichkhun! If this prince was my older brother, I will do everything he says!]

2nd - Jun. K
[If it’s about big brother in 2PM, then it’s gotta be Jun. K! He seems like he’ll love his little sister dearly], [I want to continuously annoy him (playfully) saying “Brother, that isn’t right you must follow me like this”]

3rd - Taecyeon
[He has a trustworthy big brother feel], [Confident and knows how to do encourage others. If Taecyeon was my brother, then naturally I would feel more confident about myself as well which seems really nice]

Q: The member you want to be your younger brother?
1st - Wooyoung
[He’s too cute! I have the confidence that I will become a controlling sister!], [His mischievous look is just like a little brother], [No.1 cutie!], [I want to be called “noona” by him!!! I would like to gossip with him (laughs)]

2nd - Chansung
[He eats well, fun to play with and he’s always smiling, it seems like it’ll be very enjoyable to live with him], [His personality is different from his appearance, it’s really cute how he’s always in a daze]

3rd - Junho
[If I were to have a younger brother with such a cute smile, I’d want to be by his side more than be with my partner!], [I want to be with him whenever he tries to do something courageous or when he’s being stubborn]

Q: The member you would like to be your daddy?
1st - Taecyeon
[He’s very reliable. Seems like we’d be a very cheerful family with many laughters!], [He would act as a great pillar which holds up and protects the whole family], [Daughter may have to become forever jobless (saying that Taecyeon will provide for the family instead)]

2nd - Nichkhun
[Gentle yet at times he can be strict. Seems like he would really think and consider the feelings of his children], [Every time I’d hear “Eat well” I would be able to think “That must be daddy” (laughs)], [Because he’s fair and humble, he’s someone who can become a role model]

3rd - Jun. K
[Daegu grandpa... maybe he could be an unexpectedly good father?], [Looks as if he’d take his children to many good places! But the most excited one would probably by Jun. K himself (laughs)], [If the children didn’t return home at the set time, it seems like he would huff and guard the front door until they come back (laughs)]

Q: The member you would like to be your mummy?
1st - Nichkhun
[He’d be a very gentle mummy! Seems like he’s very experienced with doing household chores], [He’s always smiling sweetly, yet he’s also very reliable. He has a 2PM mother image (laughs)], [If I were to be woken up in the morning by Nichkhun... I think I’d be nervous before he’s started to wake me! (Laughs)]

2nd - Jun. K
[I want to be protected by that kind of gentle look in his eyes], [Jun mummy would definitely be a great mummy who understands the children], [Even if he was the mummy, he’d still have his own style, with a little child-like nature as well]

3rd - Wooyoung
[The house would become very cheerful and lively], [If Wooyoung mummy came to visit the classroom then I’d be very happy! (In Japan, there’s an activity where parents visit the classrooms)], [Seem like in the morning he would knock a metal pot with a spoon to wake me up]

Q: The member you would like to be your butler?
1st - Nichkhun
[Everything is perfect!], [Just like a woman’s escort, he’s really gentle and considerate towards females], [Even if I suddenly felt itchy there’ll always be a great, attentive butler nearby...]

2nd - Chansung
[He’d be sweetly thinking of me. But he’d be silly Butler Chansung who would occasionally mix up dates], [I would really enjoy listening to Chansung say to me “Miss, if there’s anything I can do, just say”]

3rd - Taecyeon
[Seems like he’s really reliable, no matter what he’d be able to protect me. Also his English is fluent so he’d be a great butler], [Because Taecyeon looks really handsome in a suit. And also when he uses that low voice to say “Miss” (shy)], [Seems like he can pick me up bridal-style] 

Q: The member you would like to be your pet?
1st - Wooyoung
[He’s as cute as a little chick! (Laughs) I’d be cured from anything just by touching his little face], [This is probably something all Hottests would want!]

2nd - Junho
[He has a carefree image which is just like a kitten. Seems like he would lounge around the house constantly and quietly], [If he welcomed me back home with a smiling face which seems to say ‘You’ve returned!’... any exhaustion would disappear]

3rd - Chansung
[I want a large pet dog that’s just like Chansung!], [Although he may be a little large, but he’s also as cute as a kitten], [Just being able to see him eat a lot would be wonderful]

Q: The member who would most likely do well in a marathon?
1st - Junho
[It’s seems like he has a lot of stamina. As if he’d be smiling once he reaches the finishing point. He has a good sporting spirit, his desire to win is also very strong], [I think he’d really try his best. Although he’d probably not let us see how difficult it is for him, but rather get first place with a relaxed expression on his face]

2nd - Nichkhun
[It has to be Nichkhun when it comes to sports! He seems to have a lot of stamina and will not give up until he reaches the finishing point], [It would probably be Taecyeon getting first place when they’re near the end, but he’d be completely exhausted. However, Nichkhun would reach the end with a bright and energetic expression]

3rd - Chansung
[If we placed bananas (at the finishing point) then he would probably focus well on that target], [Because he’s a hard-working person, even if it’s really difficult and tiring he would still endure it and work hard], [Seems like he would stick to doing something once he commits himself to it and not give up]

Q: The member who would like as your Korean teacher?
1st - Chansung
[He’s good at Japanese, I think he’d be able to teach me ways to learn (Korean). But if I looked at his face then I’d be in trouble...], [Chansung likes to read books and is very hard-working, he should be able to teach me well]

2nd - Taecyeon
[It seems like it’d be very enjoyable!! Just like an anime!], [Learning can become playful and fun~ that’s what suits me best. I’d be able to pick up Korean naturally without knowing]

3rd - Junho
[I would like Junho to teach me whilst wearing his dark green glasses! But it seems like he’d give me a lot of assignments to do...], [Although he may be a little strict but if I do well then he would give me a big, big smile]

Q: The member who suits wearing glasses the most?
1st - Jun. K
[He always has an image wearing glasses!], [Other members didn’t even come into my mind], [Earlier before on Wander Trip, he wore toy ‘nose and mustache’ glasses but it didn’t look weird, instead it sort of suited him]

2nd - Nichkhun
[Even if they’re weird glasses, if Nichkhun wears them he’d probably look really fashionable! (laughs)], [He has a peaceful image. No matter what he wears he looks good], [Umm~ within 2PM, I think Nichkhun is the King of Glasses. Suits them well! He has that ‘genius’ look when wearing them]

3rd - Taecyeon
[I think the manly Taecyeon suits glasses the most! Very handsome ^^], [He wears glasses often, Taecyeon’s glasses image is very innocent and cute], [Although I want to choose Jun. K, I still chose Taecyeon in the end. I love Taecyeon’s glasses image when he was named fashion terrorist the best (laughs]

Q: Which member’s food would you like to taste?
1st - Taecyeon
[Just cook for me~! He’s good at cooking, and also he must look really handsome whilst cooking!], [Even the members complimented him, I would like to taste it too! I want to eat Kimchi fried rice]

2nd - Nichkhun
[He’d do really well at cooking obviously, he would also prepare small details that touches female’s hearts, like using candles and such?]. [I would like to eat thai cuisine which is cooked by Khun ^^]

3rd - Jun. K
[I want to eat Daegu ddeokbokki, food which makes me want to eat in large spoonfuls!], [Because he’s the one I love, so I would like to taste his!! No matter what it tastes like, because I like him I’d obviously say it’s delicious!], [Seems like he would present to me an unexpected dish that looks straight from a café]

Q: Which member would succeed well if he was an office worker?
1st - Taecyeon
[His leadership skills are outstanding, and he’s smart], [Because he’s confident in himself and has a lot of stamina. I think he should be able to get the admiration and trust from the boss]

2nd - Jun. K
[He’s got the ability and would show aegyo to the boss! (laughs)], [He can write lyrics and compose! If he was to be an office worker he’d be able to come up with many ideas, he should be very successful (laughs)]

3rd - Nichkhun
[Rather than saying he’d be a successful worker, he’d have a style of a young boss], [Filled with a sense of fairness, he’d be able to seriously and neatly complete any work he’s responsible for!], [Very well-mannered, with his looks both men and women would think he’s cute]

Q: Which member would you like to be your escort to a party?
1st - Nichkhun
[If I were to be escorted by the prince then I’d be very happy], [If I can make Nichkhun to be my partner, we’d be the focus of the party], [Confirming that feeling of Prince Charming for everyone???], [Nichkhun is a true gentleman, he'd be extremely thoughtful!!!]

2nd - Taecyeon
[Even in such an occasion he’d still have the confident and dignified look as an escort. Leading the way in chic and smart way!], [If I had such a handsome male escort, I’d feel like I’ve become a beautiful woman too. Also Taecyeon is always a gentleman]

3rd - Chansung
[Seems like I’d be able to learn and understand etiquette and follow the formalities from him], [Feels like he’d be a gentle and caring escort... however, occasionally there may be a few mistakes and his eyes would only be focused on the food However, this is the privilege of being the maknae, he’s still just as cute]

Q: Which member would you like to go to the beach with?
1st - Taecyeon
[Even if I drown, he'd be like a lifeguard and save me from afar. Also, I would like to see his muscles!], [Taecyeon is quite similar to the sea, however he’s able to live up the atmosphere at any occasion], [I would like to watch fireworks by the sea with him!!]

2nd - Chansung
[He could not swim and wait for me by the shore!], [I would like to be seen as a girl whose ‘with a handsome boyfriend’ Going surfing together would be very interesting too]

3rd - Junho
[Because he has a smile just like the sun], [Looks like he’d be able to do anything with you even if it’s sailing or something similar!!], [Although he has a naughtier image than girls (laughs) but because of his liveliness the girls will cheer up quickly!]

Q: Which member would you like to go to shopping with?
1st - Jun. K
[He loves fashion. I want him to help me choose clothes], [Seems like going shopping with girls he’d still be very happy], [I would like him to choose clothes for me~! He seems like someone who would give me many many compliments like; “Wow~ it really suits you!”]

2nd - Junho
[As I am a little hesitant, he seems to be able to simply make decisions for me], [Junho take a lot of care in his looks, even if it wastes some time, he would help me out]

3rd - Wooyoung
[I don’t want to buy clothes with him, but go find some precious toys or something together ^^], [Although his friends may be like this, if he was dragged to go shopping with girls he wouldn’t worry about it. He’d even compliment like “it looks really cute” and help me decide!]

Q: Which member would you like to go to the amusement park with?
1st - Junho
[It seems like I’d be able to fully enjoy the rides together such as going on the roller coaster or entering a ghost house], [I want to sit with him on a roller coaster! Although I hate haunted houses, if Junho was by my side then he would definitely protect me. Mainly, I would want to hold onto his hand (laughs)]

2nd - Wooyoung
[I would like the two of us to quiver and tremble together whilst in a haunted house], [I want to sit on a water ride, wearing raincoats and take a couple selva! (this idea was taken from Wooyoung’s previous Twitter display photo ^^)]

3rd - Taecyeon
[Although Taecyeon and I are afraid of haunted houses, but it’ll be very interesting if we were both screaming and shouting together (laughs)], [Taecyeon seems like he would be naughty and play around!]

Q: Which member would you like to go to a isolated island with?
1st - Taecyeon
[He looks like he has a lot of energy, catching fish and picking fruit etc, no matter what, it seems like we’d be able to be rescued easily], [Beastly idol style! It seems like I’d be able to rely on him~?]

2nd - Chansung
[Looks like he’d be able to go into the wild and hunt for food, although most of it would be eaten by Chansung himself...... (laughs)], [He’d complete all the dangerous activities himself and ensure the female’s safety. If the female is able to do it, then he’d still allow her to experience it with him]

3rd - Junho
[He wouldn’t only just find food for you but also give you most of it! If I went with the greedy eater bear - Chansung, then I’d probably end up starving to death (laughs)], [He would worry about you, although if I could see Junho’s smile then I’d be able to get through anything]

Q: Which member would you like to go to on a holiday overseas with?
1st - Nichkhun
[If I went with Nichkhun who is proficient in many languages, even if we went to an unfamiliar country I wouldn’t feel uneasy and would really enjoy the trip], [If I went overseas with Nichkhun who can speak in English, Korean and Thai then there wouldn’t be any problems at all! Seems like he’d choose recommended locations in advance before the trip,]

2nd - Taecyeon
[Looks as if he’d be able to make friends with anybody, making him very reliable], [I would like to TAKE OFF with him to all different countries!!]

3rd - Jun. K
[Because I want to go to Switzerland too. Although there may be language barriers, the two of us together would still be able to get through it], [Because I would like to go on an unplanned journey and discover the world’s most beautiful and peaceful places, then be amazed and touched by its beauty with him together!]

CREDIT: KANA MiYanKwang (SCANS) ; PiPi, YangYang, MeMe @ 2PMBaidu (JPN > CHN TRANS) ; x_tiffany_x@2ONEDAY.COM (CHN > ENG TRANS)


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