Friday, November 9, 2012

[News] Photos of 2PM Nichkhun and Taecyeon volunteering in Tanzania to be revealed!

Photos of 2PM members Nichkhun and Taecyeon volunteering in Tanzania were recently revealed, drawing a lot of attention.

The two guys participated in the voluntary campaign MBC‘s ‘KOICA’s Dream‘ from the beginning of October for about 20 days. They did various voluntary works including fetching water, creating fog collectors, solar panels, fixing up the elementary schools and more.

After a few months stepping out of the spotlight due to his drunk driving accident, 2PM’s Nichkhun decided to make a comeback through this voluntary campaign. He expressed, “I couldn’t go anywhere and I was home for 2 months. When I was recruited, I accepted immediately. I was able to understand why people look for this kind of hardship.

Regarding his plans to return to the TV screen, Nichkhun shared, “No, I don’t have any special plans to“. He continued, “For a while, if chance permits, I want to do community service where people won’t be able to see or know about.


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