Sunday, December 16, 2012

[News] Official statement regarding 2PM "Jun. K" name

Dear our friends and media,

This is JYPE China. This announcement is in regards to 2PM’s Jun. K’s name change matters.

A while ago, 2PM’s Kim Min Jun (orginal name: Kim Jun Su) changed his name because of his family’s suggestion to do so. However, as 2PM member, he retained his stage name as Jun. K.

We would like to inform you that the correct way to write his name is: Jun. K, with a space in between. It is also fine to write his name as JUN. K. However, there must be a space in between the two words. (Possibly because the media has been writing his name as Jun.K or Jun.k)

Therefore, we would like to request that the media would use the correct name in all publications. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and have a great day!

Thank you!
JYPE China Media Department

Source: weibo
Credit: Chi > Eng trans by Belle @JunkayStreet


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