Sunday, January 13, 2013

[News] Japan Oricon Chooses Big Bang-2PM as ’2012 Best Concerts’

Groups Big Bang and 2PM has received much praise from Japan Oricon.

Oricon revealed an article titled, ’2012 Best Concerts’. For foreign groups, Big Bang and 2PM were the only artists seen on the list.

Oricon stated about Big Bang, “Big Bang’s performance structure was amazing. Their stage presence is addicting and they produce such creative performances.

They also stated that member Seungri’s fluent Japanese skill is also a huge plus for the group.

Oricon commented about 2PM, “They all have amazing bodies and are skillful in dancing and singing. Even though some members were injured, they still performed a noteworthy performance.

They also commented that their individual stages were amazing as each member had their own defined skill.


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