Monday, March 11, 2013

[News] 2PM Gave the Best Fan Service in Music Bank Jakarta - There were many amazing K-pop artists that performed in Music Bank. But if we have to choose, 2PM is considered the best in fan service.

Starting from the all red lighting on stage, 2PM that performed at 10:30 PM, immediately caused hysterics among fans.

2PM invited everybody to party together when Hands Up blared through Gelora Bung Karno (the venue) and all the audience had their hands up in the air.

Uniquely enough, for approximately five minutes, 2PM also gave fans the chance to take their photos while striking silly poses on cue as they move from one part of the stage to another, covering all angles for fans seated in different areas.

"We're very happy to be back here. It's really hot in here, but you guys are awesome. We love you!" shouted Taecyeon before finishing their performance with their sexy song, 10 Out of 10.

Source: sergeantsic csldaa

To give you an idea of how awesome they were on stage, here's a short compilation of their performance:

The article didn't mention that 2PM also sang an Indonesian nursery rhyme that Chansung performed in What Time Is It - Jakarta a few months back. During the photo session, instead of saying the standard 'one, two, three' or 'hana, dul, set', they said 'satu, dua, tiga', which is in Bahasa.



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