Monday, April 1, 2013

[News] Boom and 2PM Junho look alike?

What would stars such as Park Mi Sun, Shin Bong Sun, Jun Hyun Moo, and Sung Tae Hyun look like with plastic surgery?

The March 31st broadcast of MBC‘s ‘Blind Test Show 180 Degrees‘ showed the guest stars trying to decipher which person had the natural beauty and which person got some help from of a doctor.

While they were discussing plastic surgery, the stars were surprised to see pictures of themselves with virtual plastic surgery. They looked very different in the pictures after receiving various procedures such as botox, skin lifting, and cheek bone surgery.

Comedian Park Mi Sun surprised the viewers the most with her virtual plastic surgery which left her looking like a idol girl group member. She exclaimed, “Wow, I’m so pretty!

The show also made the viewers laugh by comparing 2PM‘s Junho who doesn’t need plastic surgeries with Boom who shouldn’t get any more plastic surgery.

Source: allkpop


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