Tuesday, June 18, 2013

[Twitter] 2PM Chansung's New Book

I've decided!!! On my next book!! "I Want to Date"!!!! 
But first, I need to finish reading my current book.. 

And then the next book!!! Will be "28" written by Jung Yoojung!!! 
It's a gift that includes a message from the writer itself... 
Haha^_^ I'll enjoy the book!!

"To Mr. Hwang Chansung. Hope luck will always be on your side..." 
She wote it like this^^ Heuheu Thank you, writer Jung Yoojung!!^^

Oh my, I made a typo since I typed so fast... Haha

What does "wote" even mean keke HeukHeuk keke

[T/N: In case you're wondering, it seems like Chansung meant 
to write something similar to "wrote" but made a typo on it instead ^^;;.] 

Credit: W2Dtranslations


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