Wednesday, July 24, 2013

[TRANS] 2PM Junho for ViVi Magazine - September 2013

Interviewer (I): Usually, you look very cool but on Twitter, you're constantly being called cute!
Junho (JH): If I can use a sentence to describe my personality, it'll be cold on the outside and warm on the inside. *laughs* I'm really shy, so even in happy situations, I'll act like nothing's happening. Even when I'm receiving compliments, I compose myself to look very calm even though I'm beyond ecstatic on the inside. My fans told me that my usual tweets sound very cold so I start to change how I tweet by using cuter tone while writing them. My flaw will probably be that I can't control my feelings all that well. When the people around me are really happy, I might be sad or when I'm really happy and excited, they'll be really quiet. Although, when it comes to composing, I feel that that flaw becomes an advantage.

Sometimes I really want to stay at home and rest, but once I'm home, I'm really productive *bitter laugh*
Even during my free days, I'm writing songs. This is actually my way of playing and relaxing. Ahh... but I have a group of friends that I meet up with for bowling games whenever we're free. Bowling arenas in Korea usually play club songs, so I'm pretty happy about that. However, most of the time, I'm the one turning down their invitation to bowl and my friends will tease me, "You're always acting busy!" *laughs* There's also something that bugs me. Sometimes I get really busy and I just want to go home and rest, but once I'm home, I'm really productive. This is ridiculous! It's hard on me, but I'm actually okay with it. So instead of resting, I listen to music or watch some TV shows to immerse myself in a cultured lifestyle. 

I'm working very hard... so I can fulfill my dream of buying myself a small plane!
Initially, during 2PM's debut, I was quite uncertain of my position and I just hope that as a 2PM member, we'll all succeed. But now during my solo debut, I want to fulfill my dream of clinching the first place in ORICON charts and having solo concerts in Tokyo Dome. My personal dreams will undoubtedly be to rent a speedboat in Okinawa and steer it out to the sea. I'm I'm love with all kinds of transportation methods, so I really want to earn myself a pilot license then I'll buy myself one small plane!

Even if I'm really busy, if my girlfriend calls me out at night, I'll still rush there for her.
I'm the kind of person who will fall hopelessly and deeply in love once I have a girlfriend. No matter how busy I am, if my girlfriend calls me out at night, I'll definitely go out to meet her. My charm will probably be my Adam's apple. During my 3rd year in junior high, two girls said that my Adam's apple is really sexy. I was quite intrigued to find out that they're talking about my Adam's apple and not my face! But I was still pretty happy and thanked the girls. *laughs* If I have a girlfriend now, I'll write a song just for her and sing it to her, isn't that good? *laughs*

CREDITS: @aki_sONE & riiixoxona2PM (SCANS) ; 小鱼儿 KINGJUNHO.COM (JPN > CHN TRANS) ; treecinrehs@2ONEDAY.COM (CHN > ENG TRANS)


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