Sunday, September 1, 2013

[Twitter] 2PM Words of Encouragement

@Jun2daKAY @taeccool @0430yes @dlwnsghek @2PMagreement211 and HOTTEST = family~♥ 
I really enjoyed seeing you all after a long while today~ 
Let's stay together for a very very long time~ baby want chuuu~~

@Khunnie0624 @Jun2daKAY @taeccool @0430yes @dlwnsghek It was very good~~ euheuheung

It was really nice to see you all today, thank you so much for coming ^^ 

After wrapping up the filming for Who Are You this week, had a get-together dinner~ 
It's really disappointing that I've got only 2 weeks left to spend with these wonderful people, 
I will definitely bear in mind all the good words said to me~ 
I also coincidently met the young Hottests I'd seen at the fan meeting before at the filming site~ N
ow really must go and sleep~


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